青色 [blue, green, dark green]
刀口,小武器,匕首 [razor, side-arms, dagger]
屈服,引誘,降服 [submit to, entice, transcription character, lure]
遇到困難,障礙 [obstacle, barrier, knock]
障礙 [obstacle, barrier, knock]
有東西很多,豐富,漢人族姓【雷】 [have many things, be rich, Chinese surname [Lei]]
黃白色,灰色,灰白 [ash colored, yellow-white, pale]
彼,過 [there, other side, cross]
渡,過,餘,以上,甚 [cross, over, go away, sunset]
特,特殊,超,超過 [very, too, special, exceeding]
馳,越 [go fast, sweep, get over]
色,顏色,老,祖先名字 [color, appearance, name of an ancestor, old]
矯,詐 [falsehood, deception, nonsense, distort]
交,結,交絡 [tie, fork, crosswise, cut, network]
銼牙齒響,磨牙,咬聲 [grind of the teeth, bite, voice]
榨汁,壓 [squeeze the juice, press]