金銀塗帶 [belt decorated with gold and silver]
箱子,衣櫃 [trunk, chest, wardrobe]
柱,支柱,立 [post, support, column, stand]
舉杯,音譯字 [propose somebody's health, toast (drink to someone's health), transcription sign]
倚靠,論證,支柱,音譯字【你】 [lean on, substantiate, support, transcription character]
穀倉,糧食,舍 [granary, provisions, barn]
音譯字 [transcription character]
音譯字 [transcription character]
褙心,短衣 [waistcoat, jacket]
制服 [official clothes, uniform]
音譯字【勰】 [transcription character]
復活 [revive, come back to life]
外衣服名 [name of a kind of street clothes]