碎,小,崽,雛 [splitner, piece, little, shingle]
音譯字,族姓【担】 [transcription character, surname]
駱駝,馬膙子,瘡 [humps of camels and horses]
音譯字,塞 [transcription character, fortress]
蹶 [stumble, make a false step]
稍長,尖 [grow up, sharp, point, tip]
族姓,穗 [surname, ear, spike]
滅 [take away, diminish, abrogate]
棘刺,刺端,芒 [thorn, prickle, blackthorn, awn]
刺 [prickly, thorn, splinter]
穿 [pierce, pierce hole, make a hole]
椿,一捲灰塵,尖 [picket, column dust, fine dust, point]